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Our program for adults is particularly robust and we have all levels of Dance.

We have several beginning adult classes, intermediate, advanced, and even adult competition teams.


Although most Adult classes emphasize Tap Dance, other forms of dance are appropriate and beneficial

(ie: Technique, Jazz, Hip Hop  and Contemporary).


Private lessons  can be available upon instructor availability.

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This is your chance to learn  dance, with others your age, and it is never too late to do so.

If you want to explore more benefits to your well-being through dance continue reading.

Dance offers many benefits for Mind, Body & Spirit

There's a growing interest in the power of Tap Dance to improve our physical and mental wellbeing at any age.


Tap Dance encourages us to laugh at ourselves and keep physical activity and exercise from getting too serious.

In the later stages in life most are rarely planning a career in dance which definitely takes the pressure off and makes it…100 percent fun."

                                                     – Huffington Post

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With the elements of dance, particularly tap, a number of benefits for the aging body, psyche and brain are apparent. Whether you are a 30, 40, 50+ and fundamentally healthy or  70+ and less mobile, the same elements apply. 


Tap Dancing Improves Balance/Posture 

A key factor in dancing, particularly tap, is creating balance. Experts say an extended foray into the purely American art form of tap dance can boost your balance cardio and core.


   Tap Dance is All About Weight Shift

Good balance is created as we move from one foot to another. To perform the moves effectively, you are required to keep your weight over your feet.


All this also means using deep postural muscles, those muscles that wrap around your middle. This helps improve your core as well as your posture and may even help Flatten your stomach…BONUS!


Tap Dancing Adds Grace

Just think of how beautifully these dancers move across the floor. Even boxer Sugar Ray Robinson took up dancing shoes for a short stint.


The lightness you need to properly perform the steps will translate into your daily life, not to mention your improved posture. Tap Dancing Exercises Your Mind


A lot of tap dancing is in the rhythm and memorization of the steps, which keeps your mind focused, improving your mental health. As Dr. Oz explains, you have to “coordinate your body as you use your mind.”


Tap Dancing is a Great Workout

A combination of arms and legs moving together elevates the heart rate, creating good cardiovascular. An hour of tap dancing is thought to burn anywhere between 200 to 600 calories depending on your pace, the steps and the effort used.


Tap Dancing is Fun and Social

The best fitness routines are fun. Tap dancing releases endorphins that make you happy and you’re sure to meet new friends.


You’ll move to the beat or create your own.

There may be a few stray sounds, but that’s part of the fun.

Laugh it off and keep going to a new beat that isn't far off.

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